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Update: Statement regarding coronavirus (COVID-19)

Sunday, 30 August, 2020

In January 2020, a UTL Group Emergency Management Team was established for Covid-19. UTL’s response to the ongoing situation will follow guidance from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health. UTL determines the alert level of a situation on a region-by-region basis. All Group companies are instructed to respond based on the action plan that has been established for the wellbeing of group employees and their families, the continuous procurement of products and services, and business continuity.


The UTL Group Emergency Management Team continues to actively monitor the evolving situation and making decisions accordingly based on the policies outlined below.


UTL Company Policy


We have already implemented measures, and continue to update these, based on UTL’s business continuity approach to risks of this nature, including:

  1. Protecting the wellbeing of our employees and their families as a primary focus.

  2. Considering the potential for the impact on society by making responsible decisions to support the prevention and / or containment of the situation.

  3. Making every effort to continuously provide the services and products required by our customers.

  4. Making every effort to maintain business in affected areas.

  5. Responding in the context of a "very serious pandemic" where daily operations cannot continue to be carried out. Execution of business continuity planning.



UTL engineers, service personnel and on-site UTL staff


We have actively put in place business continuity plans to mitigate the impact caused by the spread of Covid-19 on UTL engineers, service personnel or on-site UTL staff working at customer locations.  


UTL has invested heavily in creating a resilient and flexible infrastructure to support our ability to adapt to different working circumstances and we will make every effort to continue to deliver excellent service levels to our customers as the situation evolves.  Our employees are following World Health Organisation and local government guidance to ensure they are prioritising the welfare of themselves and those they come into contact with whilst they carry out their work.


Supplies and spare parts


UTL maintains a good inventory of spare parts and supplies.  We do not currently anticipate any disruption and UTL will continue to actively monitor and review this ongoing global situation.


UTL continues to receive daily shipments of spare parts.  We have contingency plans in place to address any potential shortage should our supply chain for spare parts become impacted.


Supply of new products


UTL maintains a good pipeline of new products and we do not currently anticipate any disruption to the order of new products.  We are working with customers on an individual basis to support the installation of new products as appropriate depending on local restrictions in place.


Supply of toner


We maintain a good supply of all toners and continue to receive regular shipments.


Advice for customer regarding cleaning devices and touchless device operation


UTL devices are similar to other electronic devices in your office. Please turn your device off before cleaning.  We recommend cleaning the outside covers and screens with a non-static lint free cloth. An alcohol-based cleaning disinfectant (containing at least 70% isopropyl alcohol) can be used with a non-static lint free cloth, but DO NOT spray directly on the device’s surfaces or components, as getting liquid inside the device can damage the internal components.


UTL Group Employees

The welfare of our employees is of paramount importance and we continue to take every necessary precaution to reduce the spread of the virus.  For all UTL employees, each of our regions are following the guidance of their appropriate local authorities to ensure we are acting responsibly and putting safety first.

UTL is in a strong position and we will continue to support both our employees and our customers as we move forwards together.  As we continue to monitor the situation, if anything should change, we will provide an updated statement.

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